In, managing Subtask Templates is designed to be as flexible and inclusive as possible. The goal is to empower every team member to create and use these templates without relying on a single person or causing bottlenecks. This ensures that everyone can contribute to streamlining workflows, automating tasks, and keeping projects running smoothly.
Permissions Overview
To create, edit, or apply a Subtask Template, users only need one key permission: the ability to create issues in the relevant project. This keeps things simple and accessible for all team members.
- Create Subtask Template: Create Issue permission in the project
- Edit Subtask Template: Create Issue permission in the project
- Apply Subtask Template: Create Issue permission in the project
Why This Matters
- No Bottlenecks: Anyone who knows what subtasks are needed can jump in and create or adjust templates, avoiding delays.
- Empowered Teams: All team members can take ownership of their tasks, ensuring the right labels, triggers, and structures are in place.
- Consistency & Efficiency: Templates can be quickly updated and applied, helping teams stay consistent across projects.